How To Integrate SMS Into Your Websites Or Mobile Application

How we communicate, do business, reach customers have gotten better and more innovative with advancement in technology.

Mobile application development has also grown to the point where you can integrate the bulk sms nigeria platform into your website and send customized text messages.

What Multitexter has been able to accomplish for website developers or mobile application developers, who run their start-up, project or business online is to be able to send short text messages or bulk sms from their websites directly to their user’s mobile phones. Using our Bulk SMS API DOCUMENTATION.

Simply download our free SMS API and follow the simple steps. Our pricing is seen in the table below;

Number of Units Unit Price Min Payment – Max Payment
33 to 333 Units ₦3.00 ₦99 – ₦999
500 to 9,999 Units ₦2.00 ₦1,000 – ₦19,998
10,000 to 99,999 Units ₦1.90 ₦19,000 – ₦189,998
100,000 to 999,999 Units ₦1.80 ₦180,000 – ₦1,799,998
1,000,000 to 9,999,999 Units ₦1.75 ₦1,750,000 – ₦17,499,998
10,000,000 to 999,999,999 Units ₦1.70 ₦17,000,000 – ₦1,699,999,998

Simply credit your bulk sms account by Making Payment  into (Account Name: LORDANDI SOLUTIONSCORP Zenith Bank 101-3623-868, Guaranty Trust Bank 005-0933-658, First Bank 202-5330-474, Diamond Bank 005-7723-432)


bulk sms in nigeria

1. Bank Payment (Use your registered email address as Depositor’s name & Fill the form on Recharge after Bank payment.)
2. Online Payment
3. Mobile App Transfer
4. ATM Transfer via Quickteller

We have a fantastic mobile application on Google playstore and Blackberry OS10. And for more enquiries, you can mail us or find us on Google plus or Facebook.

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