5 Simple Ways To Get More Customer This Easter 2018

The closest medium to get people to know what you are selling this Easter is the text message also known as SMS.

Step 1: You need to compile the contacts of your buying customers and prospective (potential) customers.

Step 2: Open a free bulk SMS account on Multitexter.com or install the mobile app here.

Step 3: Next step is to recharge your bulk SMS account. Mobile transfer, Cash deposit or online payment. You will be credited with the SMS units.

Step 4: Before you send your promo text, note this- Talk In Your Customers’ Language: Please don’t write BIG WORD, use simple words that your customer will understand. Get an outsider to read your SMS content to check if it is straight-forward and clear to any layman.

Step 5: Emphasize the advantages and uniqueness of your products. Write the benefits of your products or services in your SMS content and brag about your uniqueness in your industry.

Now you can send your Easter bulk SMS right away. Here is a screenshot of the compose page below.

“Compose Short Compelling SMS/Text Messages”

bulk sms nigeria


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