How To Send Bulk SMS For Recruitment Exercises

“Can you send me the bank account for the bulk sms stuff ?”

It was a simple but precise request. The young lady’s voice wasn’t harsh. It was formal but sweet and innocent. Earlier, she didn’t have a clue about bulk sms providers or what bulk sms in Nigeria was all about.

Our customer care representative had called her some weeks before she made that call. She was afraid it wasn’t for real or reliable.

“Thanks I just got the sms…” she called back.

bulk sms nigeria

Bulk SMS features you will only find on Click Image To Create An Account

Recruitment exercises are usually carried out to solve unemployability and get people to either work based on targets or monthly salary. It is the action of enlisting new people in a particular organization.

Do you have this particular duty to organize a recruitment process but you don’t know how best to go about it? You have a call-to-action or sign-up post on social media (especially Linkedin).

Interested participants have followed through and submitted their details, especially their phone numbers, irrespective of which network.

You next move is easy- compose your message to invite them for an interview or screening session and send to them. Use a reliable bulk sms provider in Nigeria.

Needless to say, several have delved into false and deceitful recruitment exercise and regretted signing up on the first. Sending out a customized sms with a well known brand as Sender Name and most importantly an office address or official website negates any form of bogus arrangement.

Well, our friend who called earlier was going to arrange and organize a recruitment exercise for a reputable company using the reliable bulk sms provider someone had referred.  She signed up for the bulk sms in nigeria account, sent out the recruitment exercise details via sms, to all contacts (GSM networks and CDMA networks).

After some six hours, according to her, she got a few feedback on confirmation of the received information.  You can use this tool too. Save some cost or time on calls or email blast by sending customized SMS to your trainees, employees, staff members, and more people. Click here to sign up.

Do you need further clarifications, you can speak to our customer care representative on 01-4939791 or 0818-578-4118. You can also share your experience with us on our page.

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