rNotify: How To Avoid Delivering Messages With rNotify Sender Name
These are the steps to follow to avoid your bulk sms delivering with rNotify
Step 1: Sign up to get a free bulk sms account or install the bulk sms app to get started.
“We Deliver To DND MTN Numbers On MultiTexter.com Without rNotify“
Step 2: Recharge or buy bulk sms online with your debit card or without your debit card. Simply Select PAYSTACK/Interswitch, and fill in your Bank Account Number. A One-time password will be sent to your phone (the one that receives Bank alert).
Step 3: Recharge through mobile transfer or bank deposit. See our pricing and choose the best bulk sms pack.
Step 4: After making payment successfully, you will be credited with bulk SMS units. Compose your SMS, TICK THE PRIORITY ROUTE TO OVERRIDE DND on MTN numbers and deliver with your Sender Name after clicking SEND!
Your Bulk SMS will deliver with your Sender Name especially to DND MTN Numbers.
Step 5: Call or Text 081-8578-4118 or chat with us on WhatsApp.
You need further assistance, you can mail us anytime and you will surely get a comprehensive reply.